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Country evaluation process and tools.

Main industries of India An estimated 1.3 billion people call India home. The territory of the country spans the whole Asian continent, including its western and eastern shores. Coal, oil, and natural gas are just a few examples of India’s abundant natural resources. India’s primary exports are machines and other industrial commodities, and the nation […]

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Victoria Singleton

Professor Atakpa 4 December 2022 Effects of Corporal Punishment on Children The use of corporal punishment in schools is a method of enforcing scholastic discipline that dates back centuries. It teaches youngsters how to act appropriately and how to conform with the standards that society has established. Although there are numerous advantages to using physical […]

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My Self-Reflective Essay

Brian Martinez Behavioral Sciences Department, Weatherford College Introduction to Sociology: SOCI.1301 Dr. Tasha Brown December 15, 2022 Abstract Reflection and analysis of course material from “Introduction to Sociology” For example, I now know that sociology is a social science that investigates the patterns of behavior, relationships, and organization within and between societies. Functionalism, conflict theory, […]

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Research on Intervention Programs Promoting Individual Resilience Factors

Individual resilience variables are typically targeted by intervention programs, however research on this area is limited. The difficulty in collecting reliable data and the dearth of follow-up research may be to blame. Therapeutic therapy, educational programs, and social support are all examples of treatments that might help people become more resilient. This essay, based on […]

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Energy Efficiency

I’d want to have a chat on how to make buildings more energy efficient. In specifically, I’d want to create a metric that measures a building’s energy efficiency relative to its floor area (Bibri, 2009). (2020). Smart, sustainable, and data-driven urban environments: cutting-edge approaches to environmental sustainability, resource conservation, and pollution abatement. The Journal of […]

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Mesoamerican vs. Mesopotamian Societies

Humanity’s first settlements were established in Mesoamerica and Mesopotamia. While Mesopotamia is found in the eastern portion of the continent, Mesoamerica is found in the center section. Environmental elements had a unique role in the development of both civilizations. From the Olmec of Mesoamerica through the Ubaid Period polities of Mesopotamia, the basis of rulership […]

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Qualitative research on Emerging Innovation and Technology in Project Management

The field of project management is in a perpetual state of evolution as a result of innovations in both technology and methodology. Augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain are just a few examples of the emerging technologies that are rapidly expanding in both scope and impact. What’s more, these innovations have the potential […]

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Ethical issues of privacy and data protection in relation to Artificial Intelligence

Student’s Name Course Name Instructor’s Name Institution Affiliation Date of Submission Ethical issues of privacy and data protection in relation to Artificial Intelligence In today’s culture, subjects such as privacy and data protection are recognized as being essential ethical issues to discuss. It should come as no surprise that problems of this ethical kind have […]

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The Historical Transition of Islamic Religion

Religion makes many people globally find meaning in life and gives humans a sense of hope in life because life is full of challenges. These challenges led many people to depression and despair. Still, religion reassures humans that an ultimate someone is watching over them who has a better reward at the end of the […]

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Morning Routine Analysis

The things I use, the manner I engage with them, and the time of day I set aside for them all contribute to the gendering of my routines. For instance, I prioritize my skincare regimen in the morning since I consider it a feminine activity. I like this because it allows me to demonstrate my […]

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