How to Write When You Feel Like a Fraud (Imposter Syndrome)

As with many creative professions, authors often suffer from imposter syndrome. You believe you don’t measure up, that you don’t belong, and that you’re a fake. It may be crippling, making it hard to compose, submit work, and even believe in oneself.
However, you should know that you are not isolated. Imposter syndrome is a genuine psychological condition that may afflict anybody, regardless of their degree of expertise or accomplishment. Fortunately, there are ways to get around it.
Some suggestions on how to write when you feel like a fake:
Keep in mind the reason you started writing in the first place. How come you like writing so much? What do you want to gain from it? When you’re feeling discouraged about your writing, it might help to think about why you started in the first place. This will keep you encouraged and working even when you don’t feel like it.
Do not judge yourself by the standards of others. When you’re feeling depressed about your own writing, it’s simple to compare it to that of other authors. But comparing yourself to others will only bring you down. Instead, concentrate on your own writing and your own path. Every person has their own perspective and it must be heard.
Maintain reasonable expectations. When you’re just getting started, it’s particularly crucial that you have reasonable expectations for yourself. You can’t expect to become a best-seller immediately. Becoming a competent writer demands dedication, hard work, and time. So, have patience with yourself and keep going.
Learn from the experiences of others by asking for their input. If you suffer from impostor syndrome, asking for and acting on feedback from others is a great method to overcome your feelings of inadequacy. Such feedback might come from close associates, beta readers, or even a writing club. The insight gained from hearing the thoughts and opinions of others may be invaluable in determining where your work stands and how it might be improved.
Recognize and enjoy your achievements. Make a point of rewarding your efforts when they pay off. This might be anything from polishing up a rough copy to submitting it for publication. By remembering and honouring your victories, you’ll boost your self-esteem and keep you motivated to keep going.
Yes, it’s normal to feel like a fraud sometimes, but it shouldn’t stop you from putting your thoughts on paper. By putting these pieces of advice into practice, you will be able to get over the feeling of being a fraud and start writing with assurance.
If you need further advice, try these:
You should join a group of writers. numerous people who write benefit from joining one of the numerous writing groups that exist both online and in person. You might get support and inspiration from the people in these groups.
Educate yourself on the topic of “imposter syndrome” by reading relevant books and articles. If you suffer from impostor syndrome, there are numerous tools accessible to you that may help you better understand it and find ways to combat it.
Get in touch with a trained expert. Seeing a therapist or counsellor might be helpful if you’re having trouble overcoming impostor syndrome on your own.
Never forget that you have support from other people. Though feeling like a fraud is normal, it shouldn’t define you. It takes time and work, but you can get over the feeling of being a fraud and write with confidence.